Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Crossing streets in Athens

I'm waiting alone at the pedestrian crossing by Hadrian's Arch; the lights turned red and four lanes of heavy traffic stop reluctantly. 

I set off. 

My eye catches a twenty-something on a mobylette weaving determinedly through the cars. We are on a collision course. He shows no sign of slowing; probably hasn't even seen the red light, he is too focussed on avoiding door mirrors and bumpers. 

As he gets closer, I slow and shout "OPA!" with my best Greek arm waving. He looks up and squeals to a stop right in front of me. "Sorry," he says (in English) with a cheeky grin.

1 comment:

Paulina said...

A beautiful article!

I enjoyed Athens a lot! I wrote a post about tourism in hard times in Athens:

I hope you enjoy the read! 